Details: earth work in exceavation by mechanical means (hydraulic excavation in trenches for foundations drains pipes cables etc (not exceeding 1.5m in width) and for shifts well lesspits and the like not exceeding 10 sqm including dressing of sides and remming of bottoms and lift upto 1.5m including gethig out exceavated earth aned disposal of sides and ramming of bottoms and lift upto 1.5 mtr including getting out excavated earth and disposal of surface excavated earth and directed with lead of 50 mtrs. 100'.00" x 70'.00" x 0'.6" =3500 90'.00" x 60'.00 x 0'.6" =2700 95'.00" x 60'.00 x 0'.6" =2850200'.00" x 60'.00 x 0'.6" =5700180'.00" x 50'.00 x 0'.6" = 4500200'.00" x 40'.00 x 0'.6"+ 4"/2 = 3280125'.00" x 70'.00 x 0'.4" = 2888130'.00" x 45'.00 x 0'.4" = 1931total quantaty =27349 cft add contigency charges
Sector: Agri Marketing