Details: topographic and cadastral survey for command area including canal of irrigation projects by using total station gps, etc.(minimum 20 number of points reading per hectare, to generate30rnx30m grid and 0.5 m interval contours including transfer of entire data to computer system in different gee-referencedlayers / themes using features of standard software, compatible with design software packages, including supply of soft and hard copies of point readings, including digitizing village maps and super imposing the contours on village map (scale 1in 4000) including marking all permanent features like roads, carttracks, existing canals, temples, tanks, forest boundary and electric poles, etc., including marking of ridges and valleys on survey sheet including supply of 4 soft copies and 4 hard copies after approval of competent authority, preparation & submission of 1om x1om grid for all structures of canal etc.complete.) 14.51 hire charges for hydraulic excavator/loader like jcb/pock lain, h
Sector: Urban Authority