Details: hiring of consultancy services for conducting survey and preparation of estimate for village dhamtain sahib block ujhana tehsil and constituency narwana distt jind.` hiring of consultancy services for conducting survey and preparation of detailed estimate including autocad drawing, detail quantities etc and all other works contingent thereto.` item description ns itemstructure: structural design of r.c.c structure and preparation of structure drawings complete in all respect.survey: conducting survey of village showing all details such as road pattern , school , temple , choupal ,major buildings etc. langth and width of streets. taking out spot levels. marking of exist. w/s lines. preparation of digital plan of village for w/s and sewerage scheme.w/s scheme: preparation of dpr for augmentation of water supply scheme in village as per nabard guidelines including process calculation of wtp, water works, boosting station, rising main and other structures, preparation of hydraulic st
Sector: General Admin