Details: procurement of 4 no. 400nb gear operated gate valves and 4 no. 65nb gate valve for 4x150mw units of rsd shahpurkandi. 400 nb gear operated gate valve 65 nb gate valve note:-(i) technical specifications should be as per section-ii of nit.(ii) l-1 firm will take exact measurement of the valve before manufacturing the valve to ensure interchangeability.(iii) evaluation of tender: the merit of bidder shall be evaluated on the basis of total of prices quoted.(iv) if rate of gst is not given, the maximum applicable rate of gst, prevailing at the time of opening of tender, shall be taken into consideration.(v) the firms indicating nil or concessional rate of gst in their tenders (if any) will have to absorb gst up to the full rate applicable at the time of tendering.(vi) any arithmetical error shall be considered to the advantage of the purchaser.
Sector: Power Sector