Details: 2. hosting environment- cloud3. number of years upto which support is available from oem for updation (patches andbug fixes) within support period -3 years4. number of years upto which support is available from oem for upgradation of versionwithin support period -3 years5. type of training provided by the oem/ reseller-on site training(at delhi)6. no. of days training provided on site during the support period – 15 days7. api supported platform-1.facebook 2.twitter 3.instagram playstore5.googlebusiness review 7. linkedin8. non api supported platform-na9. messaging supported platforms-1. facebook messenger 2. instagram messenger10. operating systems supported by the offered product-1. windows 2. mac 3. android 4.linux 5. ios11. supported web chrome. 2.mozilla firefox. 3.safari. 4.opera. edge12. supported image file-ani - animation bmp – bitmap gif - graphics interchangeformat ico - windows icon jpeg/jpg - joint photographic experts group
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