Details: dismentling of damage interlocking tiles, including stacking dismental material with in 60m distence etc all comp. e/w in excavation in trenches for foundation pipe cable etc in ordinary soil (loan clay or sand) including 1.5left and 50m and dressing of side and ramming of bottom and disposal of surplus axcavated earth as directed by the engineer ic/within a lead of 60 m etc all comp. m-150 b/w with 1:4 cement & c.sand mortar etc all comp. 12 mm thick cement plaster in single coat on fair side of single of half brick wall with 1:4 cement conc. and mortar etc all comp. construction of gsb etc all comp. cc with 1:2:4 cement c.sand 2cm gauge stone grit including etc all comp. cartage of earth and dismental material upto 3.00km including loading unloading etc all comp. construction of chamber internal size 60x.60x.90 with all charges etc all comp r/i main hole up to requred level etc all comp. supply/fixing and jointing rcc hume pipe 250mm dia etc all comp. construction of gully pit as per
Sector: Municipality