Details: dismantling of brick work or stone work including stacking of materials etc all complete. earth work in execavation in foundation and under plinth area lift 1.5 m lead 30 m with &disposal of surplus earth/ malwa up to 3.00 km all charges complete. providing and laying of cement concrete 1:6:12 cement, c.sand and 40 mm gauge brick ballast etc all complete. class-150 brick work in 1:4 cement, c. sand in foundation and pilnth etc all complete. earth work in cutting or embankment in foundation and under plinth in ordinary soil including lift 1.5m & lead 30m by direction of e/i. etc all complete. r.c.c. work with cement approved c.sand and stone ballast in the proportion of 1:1.5:3 for slab etc all complete. mild steel or iron work in plain worksuch as reinforced concrete to required shape as necessary including binding for proper completion of work. 230 mm th. class 150 b/w in (1:4) cement mortar in super structure including supply of all materials labour and tool & plants etc all complet
Sector: Municipality