Details: dismenteling of cc floor including stacking of dismentled material etc all complete work. exavating and filling of local earth (including royality) by mechanical transport upto a lead of 1 km also including ramming and watering of the earth in layers not exciding 20 cm in trenches plinth side of foundation etc all work earth work in excavation in trenches for foundations pipes cables etc in ordinary soil (loan clay or sand) including lift up to 1.5 mtr lead up to 50 mtr and dressing of sides and ramming of bottom and disposal of surplus excavated earth as directed by the engineer-in charge with in a distance of 50 mtr. providing and laying cement concrete (1:6:12, 1cement: 6 fine sand: 12 brick ballast nominal size 40 mm) and curing complete, including cost of formwork in foundation and floors. class 150 brick work in (1:4) cement mortar in foundation&plinth including supply of all materials labour and tool & plants etc, required for proper completion of the work. cc on frlooring 1:2:4
Sector: Municipality