Details: supply of pmu panel with 2 nos pmu for 765kv crp , supply of pmu panel with 1 no pmu for unit1 and 2 cer , supply of time system gps receiver , supply of substation grade layer-3 lan switches , supply of armoured fo cable and its accessories for termination , supply of network panel with router , supply of power, control cables and its accessories item category/ for termination , integration of pmu with pdc at sldc , installation of pmu panel-1 at 765kv crp room , installation of pmu panel-2 at unit 1 and 2 cer , installation of network panel , interconnection between 765kv pmu to network panel , interconnection between 765kv pmu panel to unit 1 and 2 tg cer panel , interconnection of power and control cables supply of pmu panel with 2 nos pmu for 765kv crp, supply of pmu panel with 1 no pmu for unit1 and 2 cer, supply of time system gps receiver, supply of substation grade layer-3 lan switches, supply of armoured fo cable and its accessories for termination, supply of network p
Sector: Power Sector