The Uttar Pradesh Medical Health and Family Welfare Department has published a tender for "Asset Management Services - SUPPLY OF LABOUR TABE WITH MATTRESS AND FOOT REST QTY 08; Onsite,Asset Management Services - SUPPLY MOCKINTOSH SHEET QTY 16 MTRS; Onsite,Asset Management Services - SUPPLY KELLYS PAD QTY 08; Onsite,Asset Management Services - SUPPLY OF DELIVERY TROLLY QTY 08; Onsite,Asset Management Services - SUPPLY OF DELIVERY TRAY WITH INSTRUMENTS TROLLY QTY 08; Onsite,Asset Management Services - SUPPLY OF EMERGENCY TRAY WITH DRUGS QTY 08; Onsite,Asset Management Services - SUPPLY OF MEDICINE TRAY WITH DRUG QTY 08; Onsite,Asset Management Services - SUPPLYOF BABY TRAY WITH INSTRUMENTS QTY 08; Onsite,Asset Management Services - SUPPLY OF EPISIOTOMY TRAY WITH INSTRUMENTS QTY 08; Onsite,Asset Management Services - SUPPLY OF PORTABLE LAMP QTY 08; Onsite,Asset Management Services - SUPPLY OF SCREEN BETWEEN TWO TABLES QTY 08; Onsite,Asset Management Services - SUPPLY OF STOOL FOR BIRTH COMPANION QTY 08; Onsite,Asset Management Services - SUPPLY OF WALL CLOCK ANALOUGE WITH SECOND ARM QTY 08; Onsite," on the 22 Nov 2024. This tender belongs to Medical Equipments category. This tender is published in Gonda, Uttar Pradesh location. The vendors interested in this tender and related Medical Equipments tenders can obtain further details by registering in the Tendersniper web portal. Upon registration, Tendersniper sends regular tender alerts by email specifically addressing the user requirements (i.e., keywords, location and value range). Government business is a growing area of opportunity. The businesses are encouraged to actively monitor tender opportunities and participate in them to grow their business.
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Uttar Pradesh Medical Health and Family Welfare Department Tenders
Department of Health Family Welfare Chandigarh Tenders
Health Services Department Manipur Tenders
Maharashtra Public Health Department Tenders
Department of Health Family Welfare Nagaland Tenders