Details: site clearance ,layout & photography. s/l of 200 mm dia np3 hume pipe with collar. s/l of 450 mm dia np3 hume pipe with collar. dismentaling of old existing c.c. surface. m-150 brick work in 1:4 c:c.sand mortar in foundation on plinth (side edging) i/c supply of all material, labour & t & p etc required for proper completion of work. s/l of g-3 stone ballast compaction with road rollar com. s/l of polythine sheet of tk. 125 mocron below c.c. work. p/l cc in 1:1.5:3 c:cs:s/g 20mm i/c all material, labour t&p etc. req. for proper completon of the work. making contraction joint earth work in filling in ordinary soil with cartage earth in side pattries . earth cartage from 3.00 km. distance i/c all material, labour t&p etc.req.for proper comp.of the work. plaster 1:4 c:cs drain inner s/f of road sign board all necessary fitting t & p required from proper completion of the work.
Sector: Export promotion