Details: sealed bids are invited for the supply of misc. ltems from themanufactures/authorized distributors/dealers alongwith samples of all items(for which rates quoted) in a sealed bag, for the rajasthan high court bench,jaipur. rates will be effective from the date of approval letter or last date ofthe existing tender whichever is later. s.noname of items approx. cost rs. (ln lac) flarncst moncr1 [/isc. ltems 9.68 lac rs. 19,360 of llems with brand uttit ,4p1tro-r req.qtt''o/lerul price (lttt'|.,,1pplit uble 7 u.tes)pcr u nili black hit spray per piece( i) big (400m1) 50(ii) small (200m1) li02 colin 500rnl per piecc 50j dustbin l)er piecc 200(i) pedbin (12 miltonb celloc 0r equivalent( ii) l0 ltr. without lid per piece t00a miltonb celloc 0r equivalent4 detergent per kg.5070(i) nirma( ii) arial( iii) surf excel 705 electric rcmote door bell per piecc ,10(i) ,\nchor(operlting ragc upto 100 meter)( ii) havel's ('i'ango plus black)(
Sector: Court