Details: digital refractometer fruit crusher (heavy duty machine) microwave oven dissecting microscope stereo zoom binocular microscope with dual light stand insect collection box insect killing bottle insect collection nets (hand nets) light traps dissection tray with wax electronic balance fumigation chamber ocular and stage micrometer insect stretching board stereo zoom binocular microscope with dual light stand with camera basic binocular slide microscope with dual light stand laboratory centrifuge machine refrigerator electronic weighing machine micro pipette hot plate laminar air flow ph meter ec meter thermostatic water bath auto titrator block digestion system double beam spectrophotometer microwave oven µ controller based conductivity meter flame photometer incubator growth chamber double distillation unit with accessories spad meter electronic balance hot air oven moisture box moisture meter tube auger bucket auger weighing balance water bath shaker sprayer spring balance 50 kg spri
Sector: Agriculture Misc