Details: providing highly skilled electrician / supervisor for main chp control room to bunker area providing highly skilled electrician / supervisor for wt area providing highly skilled electrician / supervisor for the maintenance work of ht/ lt motor work attending urgent misc. work of ht & lt swgr such as replacement of fuses, switching "on/off" lt/ht modules and breakers, checking of panels, replacement of ht/ lt breakers, electrical system of conveyor in shift duty through skilled labour as and when required as per scope of work under clause no.1.05 to the entire satisfaction of shift in charge. main chp control room (mcc room ) main chp control room (field duty ) wt area attending urgent lighting requirement, replacement of fuses, "on-off" switching of lighting at indicated hours daily. to attend misc. lighting complaints in shift duties to the entire satisfaction of shift in-charge of chp control room . main chp control room (mcc room ) wt area
Sector: Power Sector