Details: name of the books tittle:bedside clinics surgeryauthor: prof. m l sahapublisher: jaypeeedition: latest volume:single tittle:sabiston textbook of surgeryauthor: townsendpublisher: elsevieredition: latest volume:single tittle:a manual on clinical surgeryauthor: s. daspublisher: jaypeeedition: latest volume:single tittle:manipal manual of surgeryauthor: k rajgopal shenoy, anitha shenoypublisher: cbs pub.edition: latest volume:single tittle:the washington manual of surgeryauthor: klingensmithpublisher: wolters kluweredition: latest volume:single tittle:farquharson's text of operative surgeryauthor: farquharsonpublisher: crc pressedition: latest volume:single tittle:bailey & love's short practice of surgeryauthor: norman s. williams. etc.publisher: crc pressedition: latest volume:single tittle:schwartz's principles of surgeryauthor: schwartzpublisher: mc graw hilledition: latest volume:single tittle:five steps to start your refractive surgery:a case- based systemauthor: mazen m. sinjabpubli
Sector: Medical Education