Details: printing items audiological evaluation form: 1 leafs / singlecolour single sided print/65 gsm, size : 28cm x 23cm (100 page / pad) application form for birth certificate : 1 leafs / singlecolour single sided print/65 gsm, size : a4 paper, (100 page / pad). serial no. required. application form for death certificate : 1 leafs / singlecolour single sided print/65 gsm, size : a4 paper, (100 page / pad). serial no. required. (blood centre) whole human blood label of all different group a+, b+, o+, ab+, a neg, b neg, o neg, ab neg ( sticker type): 1 leafs / multicolour single sided print/75 gsm, size : 11cm x 7.5cm) note: different group contain different printing matter. (blood centre) platelet concentrate label of all different group a+, b+, o+, ab+, a neg, b neg, o neg, ab neg ( sticker type): 1 leafs / multicolour single sided print/75 gsm, size : 11cm x 7.5cm ) note: different group contain different printing matter. (blood centre) fresh frozen plasma label of all different group
Sector: Medical Education