Details: construction of permanent benchmark pillar at defined location w.r.t. ground control point(g.c.p)/great trigonometrical survey(g.t.s.) bench mark (including flying of g.c.p/g.t.s. bench mark from nearest available locations up to diiferent locations with the help of high percission instruments like dgps/rtk/total station etc) as per following specification : cast-in situ/precast rcc made benchmark pillar of size 0.30 m x 0.30 m x 1.5 m (0.60 m above g.l. & buried 0.90 m below & suitable p.c.c base finish) with cement concrete grade of 1:1.5:3 ,4 nos of vertical bars of 10 mm dia & stirrups of 8 mm dia @ 150 mm c/c ,including mild steel fixed plate a top (100 mm x100 mm x6 mm) inserted within concrete, including fixing on p.c.c. base (3ftx3ft) bounded with brick wall all side 300mm thick brick work for 0.6m hieight and inside portion fill up with sand including necessary painting,lettering, colouring as per enclosed drawing as per direction of eic complete in all respect.note: [the rate
Sector: Irrigation