Details: ruled register no8(96pages) local as per sample ruled register no6 (72pages) local as per sample ruled register no4 (48pages) local as per sample excercise book no.8 (rulled pioneer brand excercise book no.6 (rulled pioneer brand excercise book no.4 (rulled pioneer brand peon book no -4 c.m.c printing as per sample (100 page) envelope (c.m.c printing) 10 x 4 (white) carbon paper (double sided ) 210mm x 330mm (kores) 352/iiblue pencil carbon 210mm x 330mm (4kores) blue adhesive paste (gum) 700ml camel brand adhesive paste (gum) 150ml camel brand cover file (four fold) big ambassador brand (super quality) flat file big (big ambassador brand) (super qualit) flat file small big ambassador brand (super qualit cmc file with printing 18"x14" (white) as per sample flap with tape (4" x22") (as per sample) pin cushion(as per sample) tag with cotton 12" (as per sample) thread ball 100gm (konarak) correction pen (faber castell) 7ml envelope small (as per sample) stamp pad medium violet size 110mm
Sector: Municipality