The Coal India Limited has published a tender for "CHARGER BATTERY, 220V,12-72V,20A,CHARGER BATTERY, 220V,12-72V,20A,O-RING,O-RING,TACHO HOUR,TACHO HOUR,CABLE TACHOMETER,CABLE TACHOMETER,TEMP GAUGE,TEMP GAUGE,ENGINE OIL PR,ENGINE OIL PR,TEMP GAUGE ENGINE OIL,TEMP GAUGE ENGINE OIL,STARTING SWITCH,STARTING SWITCH,CROSS and BEARING,CROSS and BEARING,SEAL KIT,SEAL KIT,WIRE ELEC CU,4MM,WIRE ELEC CU,4MM,LT CABLE 6MM,LT CABLE 6MM,V BELT,V BELT,BATTERY -VE TERMINAL,BATTERY -VE TERMINAL,GASKET,GASKET,ADHESIVE ARALDITE,ADHESIVE ARALDITE,ADHESIVE ANABOND666T,PCKT,100G,ADHESIVE ANABOND666T,PCKT,100G,JOY STICK ASSY,JOY STICK ASSY,SEAL OIL,SEAL OIL,CFP0104028 COTTER PIN,CFP0104028 COTTER PIN,BEARING,BEARING,HOSE,HOSE,HOSE ASSY,HOSE ASSY,O RING,O RING,O RING,O RING,O-RING,O-RING" on the 19 Feb 2025. This tender belongs to Vehicle Spares category. This tender is published in Barddhaman, West Bengal location. The vendors interested in this tender and related Vehicle Spares tenders can obtain further details by registering in the Tendersniper web portal. Upon registration, Tendersniper sends regular tender alerts by email specifically addressing the user requirements (i.e., keywords, location and value range). Government business is a growing area of opportunity. The businesses are encouraged to actively monitor tender opportunities and participate in them to grow their business.
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Vehicle Spares tender analytics
Coal India Limited published 85 tenders for "vehicle spares" from December 2023 until December 2024.
Tender Details
Details: charger battery, 220v,12-72v,20a , o-ring , tacho hour , cable tachometer , temp gauge , engine oil pr , temp gauge engine oil , starting switch , cross and bearing , seal kit , wire elec cu,4mm , lt cable 6mm , item category/ v belt , battery -ve terminal , gasket , adhesive araldite , adhesive anabond666t,pckt,100g , joy stick assy , seal oil , cfp0104028 cotter pin , bearing , hose , hose assy , o ring
Sector: Mining