Details: supplying, spreading and compacting sand to required thickness, in layers not exceeding 150 mm to proper gradient and camber, inundating each layer by water and packing and ramming layer by layer to achieve desired compaction, including lighting, guarding, barricading and making adequate earthen bundh where necessary, curing with water as per direction, mending cracks and depressions by ramming wherever necessary. note:- add cost at site of the materials to arrive at the complete rate. the compaction factor for dry, clean sand may be taken as 0.835. (the payment is to be made on the basis of finished compacted volume). (c) for silver sand materials and labour 1. building (b) labour rates per diem : 2)mason (ordinary). note: (i)the above rates of labour are exclusive of 10% contractors profit and 1% labour welfare cess which would be admissible to the contractors, but contractual percentage will not be applicable. (ii) the workersemployed on high rise building or any structure over 30
Sector: Municipality