Details: procurement of 63a welding receptacles for boiler & turbine area of u#3&4 under emiph-ii. receptacle,welding,63a,5pin,w/ rccb/elcb single outlet, wall mounting with decontactors (3p+n+e), cable gland entryi. one ms box with suitable paint & ip 65 protectionii. one abb /siemens make 63a rccb sensitive to 30 ma leakage current (make: abb/siemens/schneider). measurement: 600(h)*400(l)*200(b) mm & thickness- 20swg/0.711mm.iii. one 5 pin (3 p+n+e) welding plug & socket set as per the existing (installed) one for sample purpose. abb/jaibalaji make preferable with ip 67 protectioniv. two 4p ,440v, 100a power terminal block suitable for3.5c*95 sqmm cable connection with loop in loop out facility.v. all internal wiring should be done by suitable colour for ryb phases & neutral (black ) & earth (green. 63a.connections as follows:a. rccb: 16sqmm cu wire required for phase and neutral10sqmm. cu wireb. 63a socket: cu wire required for phase and neutral10sqmm cu wire
Sector: Generation