Details: overhauling of h p pumpdecoupling & dismantling of pump, assembling thepump with spares (shaft,sleeve.impeller, brg.,glandseal arrangement & others), spares need to bechanged if required,coupling with motor afterproper alignment should be done. replacement ofnrv, suction / discharge valve, if required.2 overhauling of mechanicalexhauster (vp)decoupling & dismantling of pump, assembling thepump with spares (shaft,sleeve.impeller, controlcone, body, brg.,gland seal arrangement & others),spares need to be changed if required,coupling withmotor after proper alignment should be done.3 overhauling of ash slurrypump with gear box & fcudecoupling & dismantling of pump, gearbox, fcu.assembling the pump/gearbox/fcu with spares(shaft, sleeve.impeller, brg. gland sealarrangement & others), spares need to be changedif required/complete assembly change if required;coupling after proper alignment should be done.cooler cleaning must be done.4 overhauling of iac
Sector: Generation