Details: procurement of different types of consumable items for emiph-ii department sgtpp / wbpdcl paint synthetic enamel smoke gray ( 1 ltr sealed container, make- berger/ asian paints/ dulux (material should be in factory sealed container and mfg. & exp. date should be clearly mentioned / printed at that container)" ) paint primer redoxide ( 1 ltr sealed container, make- berger paints, brand name: -trucare metal primer. (material should be in factory sealed container and mfg. & exp. date should be clearly mentioned / printed at that container)" ) paint synthetic enamel light gray ( 1 ltr sealed container, make- berger/ asian paints/ dulux (material should be in factory sealed container and mfg. & exp. date should be clearly mentioned / printed at that container)" ) varnish bectol red ( 1 kg sealed container, make: dr. beck, manufacturer: elantas beck india ltd. (material should be in factory sealed container and mfg. & exp. date should be clearly mentioned / printed at that container)" ) varn
Sector: Generation