Details: assistance in core analysis(marking on core for analysis, splitting of core in twoparts after core analysisone job perday2preparation of sample slips and crushing of the rock samples to size of 1 to 2cm for eu3o8 analysis on daily job perday3segregating the active and inactive samples after eu3o8 analysis for furthercrushing for beta-gamma and thorium or ppm job perday4crushing the active samples in increasing order of activity to avoidcontamination of less active job perday5preparation of samples for beta-gamma analysis after conning and job perday6 preparation of samples for thorium analysis after beta-gamma analysis. one job perday7regular maintenance and cleaning of instruments and sample crushingmachines, routine checks, repair work, and replacement of worn or nonfunctional job perday8miscellaneous works: miscellaneous works: shifting of core boxes andsamples. any other work.
Sector: Research center