Details: 1. port dues as required indicate clearly ifcharges differ basedon grt of the ship2. berthing charges per day (orper hour ifdifferent)indicate clearly ifcharges differ basedon grt of the shipser services unit remarks3. pilotage charges for in & outmovement of shipsper pilot perjob (or perhour if tariff isapplied onhourly basis)indicate clearly ifcharges differ basedon grt of the shipport duesser services unit remarks3. pilotage charges for in & outmovement of shipsper pilot perjob (or perhour if tariff isapplied onhourly basis)indicate clearly ifcharges differ basedon grt of the ship4. tugs services for in & out movementof shipsper tug perhourminimum time for hire,if mandated by portauthorities, orotherwise, to beindicated5. line handling services on arrival &departure for a group of minimum six(06) men. cost of additional personnel, ifrequired should be indicatedproportionately.per job should include all thecharges involved inline handling andrelated services.6. 30 to 45 ft gangway hi
Sector: Foreign Affairs