Details: सन 2024-2025 या आर्थिक वर्षासाठी पाणीपुरवठा विभागातील पाणीपुरवठा यंत्रणासाठी जलशुद्धीकरण केंद्र करीता अॅलम (ग्रेड-४) व टी सी एल (ग्रेड १) पुरवठा करणे supply of bleaching powder (grade-1)for drinking water filteration porpose for annual year 2024-2025 to yawal municipal council including all taxes(18 % gst),transporation labour charges.loading and unloading charges etc complete supply of alum (grade-4 )for drinking water filteration porpose for annual year 2024-2025 to yawal municipal council including all taxes(18%gst),transporation labour charges.loading and unloading charges etc complete
Sector: Municipality