Details: providing walveman labour services in bncmc ward office no 1 to 5 for 3 years (1) labour salary amount should be same as per estimated rates. (2) g.s.t. amount should be same as per estimated rates. (3) bidder have to submit rates only on the contractor profit item no.1 :- providing valveman labour servives providing 64 labours. basic pay, special allowance (bonus, gratuity, pf, esic, house rent allowance, expensive leave) approved by minimum wages act 1948 maharastra state government [64 labour labour/day x 36 months] labour salary amount should be same as per estimated rates. 18% g.s.t. (g.s.t. amount should be same as per estimated rates.) 10% contractor profit (bidder have to submit rates only on the contractor profit)
Sector: Municipality