Details: demolation of toilet block and to reinstat footpath at n.a. sawant marg colaba in beatno. 227 in a ward. demolishing r.c.c. slab, r.c.c.wall of any thickness, r.c.c.35.54 2491 88530.142 r3-cs-dd-1 demolishing cement concretemanually/ by mechanicalmeans16.780 1703 28576.343 r3-cs-dd-3 demolishing brick work in limeor cement mortar includingplaster,25.490 627 15982.234 r3-cs-dd-5-b demolishing stone rubble masonry 17.230 1797 30962.315 r3-cs-dd-8-a dismantling doors, windows,fanlight and clerestory windows23.000 each 279 64176 r3-cs-dd-10-a dismantling wood work inframes2.000 3402 68047r3-cs-dd-37-bdismantling c.i., upvc 22.800 rmt 57 1299.68r3-cs-dd-38-a dismantling gi pipelines70.000 rmt 107 74909r3-cs-dd-52 dismantling plinth66.64 399 26589.3610r3-cs-dd-53 disposal of building / malba161.68 109 17623.1211r3-cs-rm-70 barricading using gi sheets34.60 rmt 2793 96637.812r3-rw-3-22 removing the paver blocksof any thickne65.54 sqm 193 12649.2213r3-cs-ew-16 "excavati
Sector: Municipality