Details: name of work: removing of forigne materials and cleaning at gokak cmc jackwell with life savingequipments. laying of distribution pipe line for drinkingwater supply from khadakabanvi house togudennavar house at gokak cmcother 531910.47 13298.00 6 monthsdma/2024-25/ws/work_indent35418contractor municipal commissioner,- 4 - cmc name of work categoryamount put totenderamount ofemdperiod ofcompletionexcluding rainyseasonwork indent no.15th fianace 2021-222)construction of compound wall to thectpt toilet near apmc at w,no:11 gokakcmcother 671346.16 16784.00 6 monthsdma/2024-25/bd/work_indent35419sfc 2021-223)laying of cement concrete near publictoilet premises at ashraya 79592.45 1990.00 6 monthsdma/2024-25/ow/work_indent35425sfc scarcity 2024-254)laying of distribution pipe line for drinkingwater supply from yadhawad house tokhadakabanvi house at gokak cmcother 196200.69 4905.00 6 monthsdma/2024-25/ws/work_indent35420sbm 1.05)const
Sector: Municipality