Details: dismantling & taking out lt burnt cable ends of any size from transformer/lt panel/lt feeder pillar/ street light pole box/trenches any type/size, for repair/making suitable for reconnection to cable, providing lugs to burnt end of cables, preparing fresh terminals and reconnection, fixing the removed portion of cable with transformer/in trenches/along pole/ panel/feeder pillar box, including excavation of loop & refilling complete using old bricks and sand returning filling the excavated soil complete all ss specified and directed. m&l for dismanteling of of old damaged /cracked pcc coping and prepare the new coping for steel/pcc pole using pcc 1:3:6 type d-2 with 20 mm graded stone aggregate making collar above ground level on existing foundation of pole size 450x450x300 mm high and plastering with1:4 cement sand mixter for smooth look incl curing to achieve the strength and breaking/removing existing old damaged coping complete all as specified and directed . repair of earth pit i
Sector: Defense