Description: To Engage an Agency for Carrying out Repair Works in MAEF
Details: S.No.1ItemNo.(DSR2021)5.22A.514.1.22315.23.14 15.605 22.14.16 MRDetail of ItemSteel reinforcement for R.C.C. work includingstraightening, cutting, bending, placing inposition and binding all complete above plinthlevel. Hard drawn steel wire fabricRepairs to plaster of thickness 12 mm to 20mm in patches of area 2.5 sq. meters andunder, including cutting the patch in propershape, raking out joints and preparing andplastering the surface of the walls complete,including disposal of to the dumpingground, all complete as per direction ofEngineer-in-Charge.Scraping of tarfelt layer, cleaning & preparingthe surface and disposal of malba/ asper specification and as per direction ofEngineer-in-Charge.Disposal of building / malba / similarunserviceable, dismantled or waste materialsby mechanical means, including loading,transporting, unloading to approved municipaldumping ground or as approved by Engineer-in-charge, beyond 50 m initial lead, for all leadsincluding all lifts involved.Grading
Sector: Education Misc