Details: Setting up of High End Computing AI and Deep Learning LabFurnished Item1 L TYPE EXECUTIVE TABLE,L TYPE EXECUTIVE TABLE,WALL STORAGE CABINETS,1 L TYPEEXECUTIVETABLE(1650 X 750 x 760 MM) allmade of plywood and laminate of thickness of01.00mm (either matt or hi-gloss) with table top ofthickness 30mm having edge band of thickness 2mmwith modesty and gable end panels of 18mm thicknessand all will be in KDA (knock down assembly) hardwareof make HETTICH and it includes rastex and woodendowels, wire manger shall be provided for properarrangement of electrical wires. Mobile pedestal andside credenza shall also be provided.PCS2 L TYPEEXECUTIVETABLE fordirectorsoffice(2100X 900 x 760 MM) all made of plywood andlaminate of thickness of 01.00mm(either matt or higloss) with table top of thickness 30mm having edgeband of thickness 2mm with modesty and gable endpanels of 18mm thickness and all will be inKDA(knockdown assembly) hardware of make hettichand it includes rastex and wooden dowels , wire Man
Sector: Agriculture