The National Aluminium Company Limited,NALCO has published a tender for "SERVO ULTRA 10 W or HYLUBE H-310 W or PROTOMAC ULT 10-93850011960_1_1000068965_UOM_Ltr,SERVO SYSTEM 100 or ENKLO 100-93850040450_2_1000068965_UOM_Ltr,SERVO PRESS 100 or HYCOM VDL 100-93850307650_3_1000068965_UOM_Ltr,SERVO PREMIUM CF 4 15 W 40 or HYLUBE LL 15 W 40 or BALMEROL GOLD PREMIUM CH4 15 W 40-93850311680_4_1000068965_UOM_Ltr,SERVOMESH SP 460 or PARTHAN EP 460 or MAK AMOCAM 460 or PROTOMAC 460 SP-93850313510_5_1000068965_UOM_Ltr,SERVOSYSTEM HLP 32 or ENKLO HLP 32 or PROTOMAC HLP 32-93850318010_6_1000068965_UOM_Ltr,SERVO PRIME 32 or TURBINOL 32-93850333570_7_1000068965_UOM_Ltr,SERVO MESH SP 220 or PARTHON EP 220 or MAK AMOCAM 220 or PROTOMAC SP 220-93850511080_8_1000068965_UOM_Ltr,SERVOPLEX LC2 or LITHOPLEX2 or BALMEROL LICOM 2-93801014550_9_1000068965_UOM_KG,SERVOGEM 3 or LITHON 3 or BALMEROL LIPREX EP 3-93850510270_10_1000068965_UOM_KG,SERVO CUT S or KOOL KUT 40-93850318560_11_1000068965_UOM_Ltr" on the 02 Nov 2024. This tender belongs to Automotive Oils and Anti Corrosives category. The vendors interested in this tender and related Automotive Oils and Anti Corrosives tenders can obtain further details by registering in the Tendersniper web portal. Upon registration, Tendersniper sends regular tender alerts by email specifically addressing the user requirements (i.e., keywords, location and value range). Government business is a growing area of opportunity. The businesses are encouraged to actively monitor tender opportunities and participate in them to grow their business.
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