The Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited has published a tender for "VLV QUICK EXHAUST 1 2IN FESTO SEU ROV,CYLINDER FESTO DNC 100 300 PPV,RELAY PNEUMATIC FESTO CH22 DAMPER,FILTER REGULATOR 529188 FESTO PDPP,VLV SOFT START 8001469 FESTO PDPP,CABLE 151689 FESTO PDPP,MODULE BRANCH 529854 FESTO PDPP,SOCKET ANGLE 164274 FESTO PDPP,TUBE 8MM 197385 FESTO PDPP,TUBE 12MM 197387 FESTO PDPP,CYLINDER 1646553 FESTO PDPP,MODULE COMMUNICATION 2201471 FESTO PDPP,PLUG SOCKET 18324 FESTO PDPP,VLV TERMINAL 573606 FESTO PDPP,FILTER REGULATOR 186481 FESTO PDPP,VLV SOLENOID 535969 FESTO PDPP,COIL SOLENOID VLV 8059805 FESTO PDPP,VLV SOLENOID 9964 FESTO PDPP,COIL SOLENOID VLV 4527 FESTO PDPP,REGULATOR PRESS 159624 FESTO PDPP,VLV CONTROL 1WAY FLOW 6509 FESTO PDPP,CYLINDER 1463250 FESTO PDPP,VLV CONTROL FLOW 197581 FESTO PDPP,VLV HAND LEVER 3488209 FESTO PDPP,T CONNECTOR 153109 FESTO PDPP,T CONNECTOR 153110 FESTO PDPP,VLV SOLENOID 575473 FESTO PDPP,COIL SOLENOID 8030802 FESTO PDPP,PLUG SOCKET 34431 FESTO PDPP,CYLINDER 163337 FESTO PDPP,SENSOR PROXIMITY 574335 FESTO PDPP,CABLE 8047677 FEST" on the 19 Oct 2024. This tender belongs to Vehicle Spares category. The vendors interested in this tender and related Vehicle Spares tenders can obtain further details by registering in the Tendersniper web portal. Upon registration, Tendersniper sends regular tender alerts by email specifically addressing the user requirements (i.e., keywords, location and value range). Government business is a growing area of opportunity. The businesses are encouraged to actively monitor tender opportunities and participate in them to grow their business.
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