Details: 1.renewal to the road from l056-c gopalpuram karumandagoundanoor road km 0/0-3/0 h/o chikkarayapuram clearing the scrub jungle by uprooting including all cutting charges and disposing of the products and clearing as directed by departmental officers including all incidental charges etc. complete. collection and supply of carted earth from approved quarry an average lead 1km including cost and conveyance of all materials to site anf labour charges etc. maintenance of km & hm stones lettering and painting for citizen information board lettering and painting for name board cautionary sign board 60 cm equilateral triangle with definition board cautionary sign board 75 cm octogon (stop) providing advance bt patches for making up the undulation in the existing b.t surface to an average thickness of 50mm using 45mm irc size hbg metal km 0/00 - 1/00 km 1/00 - 2/00 km 2/00 - 3/00 applying tack coat over bt surface (not treated with primer) using 3kg of bituminous emulsion per 10 sqm. includin
Sector: Road development