Details: supply of medical equipment name of the equipment name of the departmentqtyfibre optic laryngoscope rechargeble anaesthesia2 nopatient transportation trolleys ( iv stand side railing back rest adjustable ) 2 no intra camera with screen dental1 noradio frequency unit dermatology1 nogu phototherapy lamp 1 nobinocular microscope with led illumination blood centre1 no bench top centrifuge 1 no tube sealer 1 no double pan weigh balance 1 no obstetric delivery tables gynecology & obstetric1 no anglepoise led lights 3no patient examination tables 3 no laparoscopic clip applicator (rightangle)general surgery1 no graspers ( lap) 2 no lap babcock forceps 2 no liver retractors (lap)2 no 5mm trochars 5 no 10mm trochars 5 no 10mm optical trochars 10 no circumcicion stapplers all sizes 5 no each rotary microtomepathology1 no plateler rich plasma centrifuge machine with prp kits orthopedics10 kits ecg machine general medicine1 no binocular microscope with led illumination microbiology1 no au
Sector: Medical and Health