Details: ( scientific service as per technical specification ) whole genomesequencing of buffalo scientific service as per technicalspecification 1 sample should be sequenced by “single molecule, real-time (smrt)sequencing technology” for hifi reads.2 data requirement: a minimum of 80gb hifi reads for each sample will berequired3 vendor/firm should provide sequencing strategy including library preparationmethod, machine used in library preparation & sequencing with model namefulfilling above “smrt” sequencing technology and its chemistry in detail4 starting material which is blood sample, will be provided by niab5 isolation of hmw gdna of 150kb should be performed by the serviceprovider. hmw gdna isolation method should be explained in technicalproposal.6 quality control of gdna for smrt sequencing should be done as perstandard protocols and same should be shared with niab7 20kb or large smrtbell library protocol should be used and range oftemplates for size selection should be >15kb8 data will
Sector: Research center