Details: supply of set of layout of notices and location of seat numbers withoutbraille script for lwscwac coaches to icf, alt- h, items- 1,2,3,8, 13, 14, 15, 17, 19,21,30, 31, 32, & 35. material spec. 1.6mm thickness aluminium to is:737- 2008,31000 h2 (or) ls:737-86 gr.40800 h2/19000 h2. bright anodized to is: 1868-82 gr-ac 10. oneset consists of 1) notice for door closes automatically, icf/sk3-6-4-051, alt- f, item-4, 2nos. 2) dust bin notice,icf/sk3-6-4-051, alt- f, item-11, 6 nos. 3) picture fire extinguisher, icf / eog-6-4-007, alt- c, item-1, 2 nos. 4) duties of coach attendant, icf/sk3-6-4-o51, alt- f, item-5,1 no. 5) alarm & penalty notice, icf/sk3-6-4-051, alt- f, item-9,09 nos. 6) picture: soap dispenser, icf/sk3-6-4-051, alt-f, item-8, 4 nos. 7) picture: no drinking water, icf/sk3-6-4-051, alt- f, item-2, 8 nos. 8) picture: no waste into toilet, icf/sk3-6-4-051, alt- f item-3,4nos. 9) western style notice, icf/sk3-6-4-051, alt- f,item-10,02 nos.
Sector: Railways