Details: 2. item pl code(group)itemtypegst(y/n)stock /nonstockordering considerfor evalapprovingagencyinspectionagencycurrencyallowedestimatedrate1 25160254 goods (y) stock --- yes clw consignee inrdescription :1/2" safety valve type t2 set at 8.5 kg./ to cee's drg. no.- loco/2/cx/172 (mod.-b)(source ref.:- as per clw approved source for clw's drg. no.- 0/3/65/63/alt.-2) for electric locos. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ][quantity tolerance (+/-): 5 %age , item category : normal , total po value variationpermitted: max 8 lacs ] ]consigneews electric loco stores/kgp,serwest bengal 20.00 numbers
Sector: Railways