Details: name / description: electrical miscellaneous jobs on ocean morganiteitem description2galley 6 feet freezer non operational to be made operational. make arox - ar 332 note: vendors to consider the scope of work along with material and consumables required for completing the job. satisfactory trials to be shown to ss/ plate oven non operational to be repired . make -arox - china note: vendors to consider the scope of work along with material and consumables required for completing the job. satisfactory trials to be shown to ss/hsl.disperator non operational to be repaired and made operational. note: vendors to consider the scope of work along with material and consumables required for completing the job. satisfactory trials to be shown to ss/hsl.galley fixed co2 operating pannel glass missing to be fitted. note: vendors to consider the scope of work along with material and consumables required for completing the job.compactor non operational to be repaired. make arox note: vend
Sector: Harbor