Details: earth work excavation for foundation,trenches etc. in all classes of soil except hard rock requiring blasting, within a depth of 1.50 metre, bailing out water if necessary, shoring and strutting the sides of excavation including back filling the sides of foundation with the spoil earth in layers, breaking clods, watering, ramming and consolidating and conveying and depositing the excess spoil earth for filling in low lying areas and levelling, within an initial lead of 50m and lift upto 1.5m. plain cement concrete work 1:4:8 mix using 40 mm nominal size hard granite broken stones including cost of all materials, charges for mixing concrete, laying, consolidating, curing, etc. for foundation levelling course,flooring, etc. reinforced cement concrete work 1:1.5:3 mix using 20 mm and down grade hard granite broken stones including cost of all materials all charges for mixing concrete, laying, vibrating, consolidating, curing,etc. complete but excluding cost of form work and reinforcement
Sector: Industries and Factories