Description: Supply of Looms, Charkha, Cycle Ratta and Accessories as per specifications in Tender Notice--Name of Work: Supply of Frme Looms with 56 Reed width, 40 Nos of 8 Spindle Muslin Charkha, 5 Nos of 56 Pedal Loom and 12 Nos of Cycle Ratta for District Khadi and Village Industreis Office, Alappuzha
Details: Looms and Accessories, Charkha, accessories as per speicifications mentioned in the Tender Notice Supply of Frame Looms with 56” Reed with and Take up motion requirement and required accessories. Supply of 8 Spindle Muslin Charkha and required accessories. Supply of 56” Pedal Loom and required accessories Supply of Cycle Ratta
Sector: Industry Development