Details: detailed estimate 3.5.2:excavation in soil with dozer with lead upto 100 m excavation for roadway in soil by mechanical means including cutting and pushing the earth to site of embankment upto a distance of 100 m, including trimming bottom and side slopes in accordance with requirements of lines, grades and cross-sections. 3.15.1:compacting original ground <br> (i) compacting original ground supporting embankment <br> loosening, levelling and compacting original ground supporting embankment to facilitate placement of first layer of embankment, scarified to a depth of 150 mm, mixed with water at omc and then compacted by rolling so as to achieve minimum dry density as given in tables 300.1 and 300.2 for embankment construction as per technical specification clause 301.4.1. od432537/2024-2025:filling with quarry muck -filling up low lying areas with local material/quarry muck spreading in layers ,levelling the top at site and consolidation by ramming etc.complete for improvi
Sector: RDPR