Details: jobs on oxygen plant - service cost 1.25.1 removal of cladding and pearlite from air purification unit. 1.25.2 replacement of filtering cloth of air purification unit. 1.25.3 removal of absorber 1 inlet valve (3-16) of purification unit view not holing.job entails removal of welded valve and fitment of new valve, welding cutting assistance required forthe same. 1.25.4 removal and renewal of zeolite (grade- nax, gty-400 kg) of both absorbers.job entails removal of system pipelines and re-fitment post charging of new zeolite. 1.25.5 di / dr on heater view frequent tripping. 1.25.6 inspection of both absorbers cylinder (in-situ ultra-sonic thickness gauging to be undertaken). 1.25.7 boxing up of both absorbers and pressure testing in bath tub at the pressure of 200 bar. 1.25.8 fitment of both absorbers and carry out system leak test using hp air up topressure 200 bar. 1.25.9 charging of new pearlite (qty - 100 kg) and fitment of cladings 1.25.10 post boxing up undertake trials of air pu
Sector: Harbor