Details: improvements to drain 15.6:maintenance of drains <br> the maintenance of drains include erosion, repair, clearing, cleaning, reshaping, regrading, deepening of side drains as well as catch water drains as per technical specification clause 1907. for structures <br> earthwork in excavation for structures as per drawing and technical specifications clause 305.1 including setting out, construction of shoring and bracing, removal of stumps and other deleterious material and disposal upto a lead of 50 m, dressing of sides and bottom and backfilling in trenches with excavated suitable material. <br> i. ordinary soil <br> (i) upto 3 m depth concrete for plain/reinforced concrete in open foundations complete as per drawings and technical specifications clause 802, 803, 1202 & 1203 <br> i. p.c.c grade m 10 <br> (i) nominal mix 1:3:6 concrete for plain/reinforced concrete in open foundations complet
Sector: RDPR