Details: sofacorner sofa of size 225x70x90cm(2 nos) (4+4 seating capacity)using teakwood and high densitycushion and fabric upholstery9403 18% 1nos 45002.73 45002.73 8100.49 53103.222 sofa3 seater of size 180x70x90cmusing teakwood and high densitycushion and fabric upholstery9403 18% 1nos 23000 23000 4140 271403 teapoycorner teapoy using withteakwood9403 18% 1 nos 7115.45 7115.45 1280.78 8396.234 teapoyteakwood teapoy with glass topand open shelf size –120x60x45cm9403 18% 2nos 15000 30000 5400 354005 revolving chair medium backwith push back9403 18% 2 nos 5335.71 10671.42 1920.86 12592.286 sofacorner sofa of size –165x70x90cm,135x70x90cm (3+2seating capacity) using teakwoodand high density cushion andfabric upholstery9403 18% 1 nos 36881.82 36881.82 6638.73 43520.557 teapoycorner teapoy using withteakwood9403 18% 1 nos 7115.45 7115.45 1280.78 8396.238 teapoyteakwood teapoy with glass topand open shelf of size –120x60x45cm9403 18% 1 nos 15000 15000 2700 17700total
Sector: Industry Development