Details: tidal bund od4081/2024-2025:removing water hyacinth and other vegitation and floating bodies from waterway cuttingcollecting, conveying and disposing at places pointed out by the deprtmental officer at sitewith all leads and lifts and other incidental charges such as hire charges for country boatsand other necessary equipments required for the work etc. complete as per the direction ofdepatrmental officers at site. od4082/2024-2025:forming bund to a width of 1.5 m and 1.5 m (av) height and protecting the sides with 1/2 split well matured and sound coconut post 2.7 m long driving down 1.2 m below ground level on both sides at 1.0 m c/c, providing 2 rows of weiling pieces 1/4 split coconut post on both sides and tying with 1/4 split coconut cross ties at 2.0 m c/c connecting the alternate set of post , and screening the sides of bund with seperation memberane of impermeable plastic sheet 125 micron thick fixed properly using cocnut post and weiling pieces reeper and nails in full heigh
Sector: Irrigation