Details: tidal bunds od14768/2024-2025:forming bund to a top width 1.50m and 1.50m (avg)height and 1/4:1 and protecting theside with 1/4 split well matured and sound coconut post 2.70m long driving down 1.20m belowground level on both side at 60 cm c/c, fitting 1/4th split coconut wailing pies in two rows oneither sides and tying with 1/4th split coconut cross ties at 1.20m c/c connecting the alternate setof post, providing areca nut reapers screen 16cm square mesh tied with coir yarn, filling insidethe formation and providing plastic shoot (medium quality) inside the screen and filled withearth etc as per the instruction by the departmental officers at site and maintaining the bundproperly through out cultivation period including cutting and removing materials and clearingarea etc, complete as per the direction above.(hire and labour charges only).
Sector: Irrigation