Details: quarry waste stone aggregate(single size): 40 mm nominal size stone aggregate(single size):20 mm nominal size coarse sand zone iii portland cement hire charges of concrete mixer 0.25 to 0.40 with hopper needle type 40 mm wall form panel 1250x500 mm corner angle 45x45x5 mm 1.50 m long 100 mm channel shoulder 2.5 m long double clip (bridge clip) single clip m.s. tube 40 mm dia stone aggregate(single size): 10 mm nominal size twisted steel/deformed bars average rate of mild steel round bar for reinforcements ms and medium tensile steel bars second class kail wood in planks second class kail wood in scantling safeda ballies 125mm dia hire charge of 5hp engine and pumpset diesel oil hydraulic excavaor(3d)with driver and fuel hire and running charges of loader puddle clay empty cement bag stone for masonry work m s tube 40 mm dia interlocking cc paver blcok (80mm thick m30) stone aggregate (single size) 06mm nominal size
Sector: RDPR