Description: Providing of BT Road at Therkkuviruthangan Panchayat Name of Work Providing BT to Vadakuvirthungan Road in Therkuvirthungan Panchayat
Details: Clearing and scrub/ light jungle by cutting, removing and disposing of all materials such as bushes, scrubs, stumps, roots, grass, weeds, top organic soil not exceeding 150mm in thickness including cutting of trees up to 300mm girth KM-0/0-0/582 Picking the existing black top/ WBM surface to 50 MM depth including labour, hire charges d plants and all other incidental charges etc. complete as per MOST specification.KM-0/0-0/582 Earthwork excavation and depositing on bank with initial lead and lift in hard stiff clay. Stiff black cotton soil hard red earth, shales, murram, ordinary soil, stoney earth and earth mixed with small size boulders, hard gravelly soil per SS20A etc complete.KM-0/0-0/582 Providing US Gravel with a lead of KM including cost and conveyance and stacking at site to departmental gauge for taking pre measurements by departmental officers and including labour charges for spreading the gravel as per standard specification etcKM-0/0-0/582 Providing and layi
Sector: RDPR